Aerial view of Ebbsfleet Garden City © Ebbsfleet Development Corporation
The Ebbsfleet Development Corporation (EDC) was established in April 2015 to drive the delivery of a 21st century Garden City in Ebbsfleet, North Kent.
Ebbsfleet spans an area of over 1,000 hectares, within which the Corporation are championing several large-scale developments, including significant investment in infrastructure, utilities, highways, transportation, commercial space, housing, along with green and blue leisure space. It builds on the ethos and pioneering spirt of the original Garden Cities and New Towns, aiming to create a place founded on quality place-making, community building and sustainability, making long-term arrangements for the care of public spaces and assets.
Ashmere, PRP Architects © Andrew Hendy
The design forum is based on an open, constructive and discursive form of design review developed by EDC to ensure the service is valued by applicants. The forum will play an important role in furthering EDC’s commitment to delivering characterful and distinctive places that are informed by the local area’s remarkable surroundings.
The design forum is chaired by Professor Sadie Morgan, founding director of architecture practice dRMM.
Ebbsfleet Green Primary School © Ebbsfleet Development Corporation
Ebbsfleet forum members
Sadie Morgan (chair)
Chloë Phelps (vice chair)
Paul Appleby
Abigail Batchelor
Georgina Bignold
Sahiba Chadha
Lanre Gbolade
Louise Goodison
Shashank Jain
Maddie Kessler
Sasha Krstanovic
Dilip Lakhani
Julian Lewis
Alexander Matthams
Bruce McVean
Anagha Mujumdar-Potbhare
Peter Neal
Ken Okonkwo
Matt Sampson
Clare San Martin
Carla Smyth
Tomas Stokke
Prisca Thielmann
Suzi Winstanley
Simon Wright OBE