Colne Valley Viaduct © HS2 Ltd
Schedule 17 stage proposals for Curzon Street Station by Grimshaw Architects © HS2 Ltd
HS2 Ltd is the client for the most intensive design effort that the UK construction industry has ever seen. Great design is critical to the success of the UK’s new national high speed rail network. The HS2 Independent Design Panel was set up in 2015 to help ensure the highest quality of design across all aspects of the HS2 operation – from stations, bridges and tunnels to protecting the environment and excelling in passenger experience.
​The panel’s work is diverse: reviewing, advising and mentoring – depending on what best meets the needs of each project and team. There have already been successes – with improvements in the ambition, quality and consistency of projects that the panel has contributed to.
​Design work has now started on civil engineering design and build contracts for Phase One – from London to Birmingham. Station design teams have begun developing detailed plans for the four Phase One Stations - Euston, Old Oak Common, Interchange, and Birmingham Curzon Street.
The HS2 Independent Design Panel is chaired by Professor Sadie Morgan, Director, dRMM.
HS2 Independent Design Panel members
Prof. Sadie Morgan (chair)
Tony Burton (vice chair)
Xanthe Quayle (deputy chair)
David Ubaka (deputy chair)
Dav Bansal
Harbinder Singh Birdi
Adam Brown
Patricia Brown
Jason Bruges
Sophie Chapman
Caroline Cole
Annie Coombs
Asif Din
David Dropkin
Clive Grinyer
Eric Hallquist
Chris Hendy
Kirsten Henson
Prof. Tom Holbrook
Gillian James
Phil Jones
Prof. Hanif Kara
Sasha Krstanovic
Nisha Kurian
Mike Martin
Peter Maxwell
Site visit © Edward Bailey
Jonathan McDowell
Prof. Kathryn Moore
Deborah Nagan
Laurie Peake
Luke Pearson
Paul Priestman
Sam Richards
Jonathan Sands
Ann Sawyer
Fiona Scott
Joris Smits
Martin Stockley
Ben Terrett
Steven Tomlinson
Simon Wright